Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Withdrawal by local property taxes is not optimal

Property tax collection by local governments is still very slow, Tax collection still got a number of constraints such as limited facilities and infrastructure, human resources (HR), funding, management information systems and technology still needs tax reform and improvement.

Finance Minister, Agus Martowardojo, said the current government has done over the power of the property taxation property tax rural and urban areas (UN-P2) as well as fees for acquisition of land and buildings (BPHTB). Management by local taxes are expected to be more effective in helping development.

"Indonesia has made innovations in the field of property taxes by shifting the UN-P2 and BPHTB into tax districts / cities such as in Act 28 of 2009," he said when met at the Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11).

UN-P2 transfer of development in Indonesia is still felt slow. Currently only 18 areas that have picked up the UN-P2 and 105 regions that will be picked up in 2013 from 492 regions.

"Although it has been drafted roadmap for transfer of UN-P2 but the challenges are still not easy," he said.

Governments continue to work together with the international one held a seminar to learn to overcome the problems of property tax in Indonesia. "The result of the discussion can be used to propose remedial policies," he said.

Sources: http://www.merdeka.com/uang/penarikan-pajak-properti-oleh-daerah-belum-optimal.html

Credit Unions

Savings and credit cooperatives. established to provide an opportunity for members to obtain loans easily and lightly floral. Cooperatives strive to, "prevent the members involved in the bondage of the loan sharks when they need some money ... to activate the savings and the granting of loans with interest as low"
Credit unions raise money from its members who then distribute the funds back to its members. According Widiyanti and Sunindhia, credit unions have a goal to educate its members live frugal and also add to the knowledge of the cooperative members
To achieve its objectives, credit unions should implement rules regarding the role of administrators, supervisors, managers and most importantly, meeting members. Board serves as the central decision makers higher, advice giver and keeper discontinuity in the organization and as a trustworthy person. According to the Act No.25 of 1992, article 39, the supervisor in charge of supervising the implementation of the policy and management of cooperatives and cooperative writing reports, and authorities examine the records that exist in the cooperative, obtain all necessary information and so on. The third, his manager cooperatives, such as managers in any organization, must have executive skills, leadership, outreach foresight and mememukan compromise and a different view. However, to achieve the goal, a meeting of members must have the highest authority in the organization of cooperatives. It is stipulated in article 22 to article 27 of Law No.25 of 1992.
Credit Unions According to Government Regulation
1. Lending and borrowing activities are activities undertaken to raise funds and channel them through the activities of savings and loan and for members of the cooperative in question, the prospective members of the cooperative in question, other cooperatives and or its members.2. Credit Unions are cooperatives whose activities only savings and loan business.3. Savings and Loans Unit is a cooperative unit engaged in the savings and loan business, as part of a cooperative business activity in question.4. Deposits are funds entrusted by members, prospective members, other cooperatives and the cooperative or its members in the form of savings, and savings cooperatives futures.5. Term deposits are deposits in cooperatives that remittance is done once and may only be withdrawn at any given time according to the agreement between the depositor and the cooperative in question.6. Savings Cooperative is a cooperative savings in remission done gradually and may only be withdrawn under certain conditions agreed between savers with cooperative concerned with the use of Cooperative Savings books.7. Loans to provide cash or the equivalent claims under contracts or agreements between the borrowing and lending cooperative with other parties that requires the borrower to pay off debts after a certain period of time accompanied by a payment of remuneration.

Hope Cooperative in Indonesia

I think this should be cooperative in Indonesia increased quantity and quality, especially in cities that barely audible this cooperative institution. In the city, the cooperative overshadowed by the Bank. Neither the government nor private bank Bank. It would be better if the cooperatives in the city to be much higher, amid difficult to borrow money in a small community bank. Cooperatives must come and go in to provide assistance to the public. It would be better if the co-operative was established in the city of cooperatives. This will allow small communities that can not afford to borrow money in the cooperative. Now that I know the development of cooperatives in the city of Depok has begun to develop a cooperative is not inferior to many in the village. Example is the cooperative urban transportation. Establishment of cooperative urban transportation is also very good for the welfare of entrepreneurs and city transport drivers to meet their needs. In addition cooperatives should also have a variety of innovations to attract people to join the cooperative. However, this role should also be supported by the government to promote the role of cooperatives in Indonesia. Examples provide capital to form a cooperative which is not concerned with its own interests anggaotanya but the interests of its members in order to image both in the eyes of the cooperative society. And also provides a simple capital facilities for its members. Thus, the cooperative will definitely show up again to the surface and be able to compete and not inferior to the Bank and cooperative future will also be developed.

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Toward Documentation of Home Campus

As usual, a bright Monday morning I started the day menjalanin routine for me as a student. Yes, exactly Gunadarma University students. My journey from home to the campus is quite impressive. Although only taking public transportation, but at least there are many life lessons that I get. My journey from home to campus is approximately 45 minutes. Rose when not jammed and there is no obstacle in the way. Maybe if the misfire could be 60 minutes to 90 minutes. Monday morning, I was leaving at 6:30 pm. I have 2 times the ride public transportation to get to campus. At 07:15 pm, by coincidence my home area when it is not being jammed so the ride feels smooth. Lectures were in mulain first hour, presented directly to the lesson and Intermediate Financial Accounting 2B in Intermediate Financial Accounting 2A continue until the 4th. I also gained 5 hours to rest. Because at 7-8 at the time there was no soft skill courses I had finally come home for a break and come back to campus for mengikutin H Gunadarma University iLab at 16:30 to 17:30. About 3 hours I was resting at home, right at 15.30 I went to the campus H. 17.30 sayapun home and got home around 18:45. Maybe that's all my documentation on this Monday.

National concert ticket purchasing system, good offline or online?

Lately more and more outside the singer to hold a concert here. From the start of the music legends of the 80s, to those who have recently become a worldwide phenomenon.
This means that, Indonesia is getting ogled as a safe country to organize and produce the concert. And sure enough, there are concerts held here are sold out. It seems that country music enthusiast not get enough of spending money to see his idol live performances.
This achievement is not without blemish. There is only flaws are found in every concert. One of them, ticket purchasing system. Currently the majority of ticket purchase is still offline manner. Of course this is not very practical, given the number of tickets sold, and also the time it takes to wait in line.
The closest example, was Super Junior's ticket sales. Some time ago, thousands of young women willing to queue overnight at the hotel in order to get tickets of their favorite boy band. But there is only among those who left empty-handed. Read more news here. It can certainly be avoided by selling through online ticketing.
However, online ticket sales will also inhibited the spread of internet connection problems in Indonesia. Not all regions in Indonesia are connected to the Internet, and the speed was still questionable.
Well, according to your opinion, what should concert tickets are sold online only? Or, should still use the old system (offline)? Distributes yuk your comment below: D
Sources: http://id.post.yahoo.com/t?s=d0Dc-E5sTmGKdvYqs4wclw/AwZVfQ.Amo.ZbpTviXuRRSXkuC8WpwWlw&currentPage=1
My comments:
I think if the promoter manages its management well, I am sure you want tickets online or even offline all going smoothly without a hitch. Good promoter should also be supported by a good crowd too, who want to buy tickets in a safe, orderly, and reliable. Maybe if these online tickets had been added quota and media partners that sell concert tickets are more thoroughly networks do not rely solely intenet course, because considering the number of Indonesian people in a small area that would like to buy concert tickets without having to commute to Jakarta, Jakarta is a city where most of the office as well as the concert promoter. Then there are spectators Area concert promoter's office where the stretcher is better to buy directly come to the office, do not buy it online because it will reduce the number of online ticket sales quota for other areas. And the promoter may also have to set the strategy so that the ticket sales are selling well overrun the audience by selling the presale and give a decent price and fit with the ability of the Indonesian people will watch it. Ticket sales is not just a party promoter who has to sell, the promoter should always seek media partner for the best service and information facilitates a clear, reliable to the audience who will watch the concert.

BNI drizzle credit for kiosk ownership

Bank Negara Indonesia drizzle of credit for small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the market to buy a place of business Mayestik and increase the working capital of Rp 3,876 billion.
"Similar facilities can be developed and utilized to the maximum by at least 570 traders in emerging markets from the traditional to the modern market," said GM Consumer Sales Retail Distribution BNI Ageng Purwanto received in writing news merdeka.com, Wednesday (28/11).
The Company expects small businesses more resilient and self-sufficient through a special loan program that guarantees ease by simply wearing business premises use rights certificates, commissions and administrative expenses 0.5 percent lighter set only Rp 100,000.
"This market is also metamorphosed into a shopping center and a city walk which is open until late at night." he says.
The reason the company interested in providing support to the market because it has a function that Mayestik a meeting point and a representative evolved into building 6 floors, and a capacity of 1,000 cars. "Currently, there are approximately 2,279 units of stalls in the market at a price per unit Mayestik stall ranges from Rp 120 million to Rp 1.3 billion," he said.
Sources: http://www.merdeka.com/uang/bni-kucurkan-kredit-buat-kepemilikan-kios.html


Often forgotten is often experienced by many people. By Gary Small, MD, director of the Memory & Aging Research Center at UCLA, technological advances including one of the factors that spoil our memory so poorly trained. "To train our brains back working memory requires only activities that require attention and concentration."

Focus, to be able to remember, coached by concentrating and focusing attention to all the things that happened in detail. Repeat, if you feel weak in the memory, make it a habit to repeat it. Summarize information, the brain's memory can only process information in a certain capacity at the same time, then you should be able to summarize the information.

Stay Calm, when in anxious situations, can be ensured if the memory in the brain will automatically disappear some time. Memorize words then sleep. Food intake also affect and improve memory. Besides mild exercise and filling crosswords can train the brain memory.

Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Kokaryasa (Koperasi Karyawan Balai Yasa)

Kokaryasa Cooperative (Cooperative Employees Balai Yasa) is a credit union that was formed at the initiative of the railway employees who work at Balai Yasa, Manggarai, South Jakarta. Kokaryasa cooperative was founded on February 9, 1989. The origin of this cooperative because the railroad employees who often borrow from moneylenders at high interest rates. So that the employees agreed to establish a cooperative initiated and guided by a coach train Balai Yasa named Ir. Suprapto. Before it was renamed the Kokaryasa Cooperative, the cooperative is named PJKA Credit Unions. At the time of formation of cooperatives is chaired by H. Slamet Sudrajat with a view to the welfare of its members, especially the Balai Yasa employees that are no longer occupied by the loan sharks. Cooperatives that have formed since the last 22 years is sourced from fund dues from its members Rp. 50.000/bulan that at the beginning of its formation and initial fee Rp. 500/bulan. Now Kokaryasa cooperative has a membership of 460 people with assets of more than 2 Billion cooperative. The cooperative then register with the department of co-operative sphere, the city that has the deed was officially cooperatives to cooperatives. And finally enrolled Kokaryasa Cooperative Cooperative department scope mayor south Jakarta. Deed of incorporation of the cooperative is useful as a legal umbrella cooperative engaged in the business but it can expand its business. Every year Kokaryasa cooperative members hold meetings aimed to form the basis of the budget. In the early formation Kokaryasa Cooperative, the cooperative does not have statutes and holding RAT (Annual Member Meeting) for Cooperative Kokaryasa membentu statutes. Statutes themselves useful for controlling cooperative, such as Wanted engaged in what? If there are changes in the constitution this year from last year's base budget, then the budget on the basis of need outlined in the RAT because the statute refers to the dynamic and developmental. For example, in 2011 the Cooperative Kokaryasa not opened and in 2012 the Cooperative supermarket Kokaryasa want to open a supermarket then it should be poured into the RAT. Why open a supermarket? Luckily big order and SHU (Business Profits) increases. Then as a board member should not be separated from the base budget. Statutes also have the right to elect the board, the board set a task, select the supervisor, the supervisor task set, choosing the builder, the builder set the task of co-operatives in order to remain stable. After the foundation is poured into the budget, the board is obliged to run as mandated by the RAT. If the articles of association of the middle course of this year is running then there is the idea of ​​the members of the cooperative to develop the idea and immediately recorded in the minutes of the RAT held that the idea could be considered the basis for next year's budget. Cooperative Kokaryasa quarterly report of activities undertaken by the Cooperative Kokaryasa audited by the Auditor of the Audit Japanese companies in Indonesia, and then reported to the members of the Cooperative Kokaryasa. Discipline is very applied by Cooperative members Kokaryasa to its members. So every year after the RAT, what you want to change must be stated in the articles of association with the title of Amendment of Articles of Association. Amendment of the Articles of Association must be reported to the notary who is appointed by the Cooperative Kokaryasa. SHU distributed to the members by 75%, the remaining 25% for capital Kokaryasa Cooperative. If a member wants to borrow at Kokaryasa Cooperative, the Cooperative Kokaryasa able to provide a maximum loan of Rp. 15,000,000 without collateral repayable over 3 years. Kokaryasa cooperative also has expanded its business in the field of residential property that is established railway parcel with home building measures 30 and 36 in Nanggelan, Bojong Gede which aims to meet the needs of members / Balai Yasa Railway employees who have not been able to buy a house with cash prices. The plan in 2012, the Cooperative Kokaryasa kavlingnya will continue to develop this business for the welfare of its members. Kokaryasa cooperative members are lending for home or land, the purposes of opening a business, health and education costs. Why is that? In order to benefit from the loan could result in a profit to finance day-to-day needs and also to pay off the loan from the Cooperative Kokaryasa. So, Cooperative Kokaryasa not provide loans to its members for consumption only. Although Kokaryasa Cooperative members have the right but also selective in lending so that the members are not wasted on a loan he did in Cooperative Kokaryasa. Lending in Cooperative Kokaryasa really useful Bener loans rather than consumer. Kokaryasa cooperative also has teamed up with Bank Syariah Mandiri if there are members who would like to borrow more money than Rp. 15.000.000 - Rp. 50,000,000 and also do not need to use collateral for Cooperative Kokaryasa have with my Bank Syariah Mandiri. Not only in terms of borrowing, but if it gets Kokaryasa Cooperative projects with large capital, it will Kokaryasa cooperative and mutually beneficial cooperation with Bank Syariah Mandiri. Now the members of the Cooperative Kokaryasa already feel prosperous with the establishment of the Cooperative Kokaryasa.


Before addressing the export and import of Indonesia, this paper will first discuss the definition of exports and imports and its impact on the Indonesian economy. Export is the process of transport of goods or commodities from one country to another country legally, generally in the trade process. Export process in general is action to remove the goods or commodities from domestic to put it into another country. Major export goods generally requires the intervention of customs in sending and receiving countries. Exports are an important part of international trade, his opponent is imported (Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Import is the process of transport of goods or commodities from one country to another country legally, generally in the trade process. The import process is an action generally include goods or commodities from other countries into the country. Imports of goods generally requires the intervention of the customs in the country of the sender or recipient. Imports are an important part of international trade, his opponent is export (Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Prioritization exports to Indonesia has intensified since 1983.Sejak that time, exports of concern in promoting economic growth in line with the change-industrialization strategy of emphasis on import substitution industry to industry promotion ekspor.Konsumen domestic consumers to buy imported goods or goods bought overseas domestic, became something very very sharp lazim.Persaingan produk.Selain among different price, quality or quality of the goods to be the determining factor of competitiveness of a product. Cumulatively, the value of Indonesia's exports from January to October 2008 reached USD118, 43 billion, an increase of 26.92 percent over the same period of 2007, while non-oil exports reached USD92, 26 billion, an increase of 21.63 percent. Meanwhile, according to the sector, the export of agricultural, industrial, and mining products during this period increased 34.65 percent, respectively, 21.04 percent, and 21.57 percent over the same period the previous year. Meanwhile during this same period, exports of 10 categories of goods contributed 58.8 percent of total non-oil exports. The tenth group is, animal fats and vegetable oils, mineral fuels, machinery or electrical equipment, rubber and rubber products, machinery or mechanical appliances. Then there are ores, slag, ash and metal, paper or paperboard, not knitted apparel, wood and products of wood and tin. During the period January to October 2008, exports of 10 classes of goods accounted for 58.80 percent of total non-oil exports. In terms of growth, exports of 10 categories of goods has increased 27.71 percent against the same period in 2007. Meanwhile, the role of non-oil exports outside the 10 categories of goods in January-October 2008 amounted to 41.20 per cent. Japan was still the largest export destination with a value of USD11, 80 billion (12.80 percent), followed by United States with a value of USD10, 67 billion (11.57 percent), and Singapore with a value of $ 8, 67 billion (9.40 percent ). The role and development of Indonesian non-oil exports by sector for the period January to October 2008 compared to 2007 can be seen on. Exports of agricultural products, industrial products and other mining products and each rose 34.65 percent, 21.04 percent, and 21.57 percent. Terms of its contribution to the overall exports from January to October 2008, the industrial product exports amounted to 64.13 percent, while the contribution of exports of agricultural products amounted to 3.31 percent, and the contribution of the mining product exports amounted to 10.46 percent, while the contribution of oil and gas exports amounted to 22.10 per cent. Despite overall improved condition of Indonesian exports and rising, no doubt since the global financial crisis, Indonesia's exports declining condition. Call it while exports in September that a decline of 2.15 percent or USD12, 23 billion when compared to August 2008. However, the year on year increase of 28.53 percent.
Import situation in Indonesia is not always considered good, because according to the group use of goods, import role for consumer goods and raw materials / auxiliary during October 2008 compared to the previous month decreased respectively from 6.77 per cent and 75.65 per cent to 5, 99 percent and 74.89 percent. While the role of capital goods imports increased from 17.58 percent to 19.12 percent. While the views of the role of the total Indonesian non-oil imports during January-October 2008 engines per aircraft mechanic give the biggest role that is 17.99 percent, followed by machinery and electrical equipment by 15.15 percent, iron and steel amounted to 8.80 per cent, vehicles and share of 5.98 percent, organic chemicals at 5.54 percent, plastics and plastic goods by 4.16 per cent, and iron and steel by 3.27 percent. In addition, the following three classes of goods imported by the role of under three per cent of the fertilizer by 2.43 per cent, cereals by 2.39 per cent, and cotton by 1.98 percent. Import role ten major categories of goods reached 67.70 percent of total non-oil imports and 50.76 percent of the total imports overall. The latest data show that in October 2008 the value of non-oil imports Bonded Zone (KB / duty-free area) is $ 1, 78 billion. The number is a deficit of USD9, 3 million or 0.52 percent compared to September 2008. Meanwhile, of the total value of Indonesian non-oil imports during the period amounted to USD64, 62 billion or 76.85 percent from 12 major countries, namely China amounted to USD12, 86 billion, or 15.30 percent, followed by Japan at USD12, 13 billion (14 , 43 percent). Singapore 11.29 percent next play, the United States (7.93 percent), Thailand (6.51 percent), South Korea (4.97 percent), Malaysia (4.05 percent), Australia (4.03 percent), Germany (3.19 percent), Taiwan (2.83 percent), France (1.22 percent), and the United Kingdom (1.10 percent). Meanwhile, Indonesia's imports from ASEAN reached 23.22 per cent and 10.37 per cent of the European Union.


TsunamiWhat Is a Tsunami?
Tsunami comes from the word:
Tsu = harborNami = Wave 

Being part of a world language, after a massive earthquake June 15, 1896, causing a massive tsunami struck the port city of Sanriku (JAPAN), killing 22,000 people and destroying the east coast of Honshu along the 280 km.
Tsunamis are ocean waves caused by earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions that occurred at sea. Tsunami waves moving at hundreds of kilometers per hour in the deep ocean and can hit the ground with wave heights reaching 30 m or more. Magnitude of the tsunami in Indonesia Imamura scale ranges from 1.5 to 4.5, with the maximum tsunami wave height reaches the coast ranges from 4-24 meters and wave to reach the mainland ranges from 50 to 200 meters from the shoreline.
Based on the earthquake catalog (1629 - 2002) in Indonesian Tsunami never happened as much as 109 times, which is 1 times due to avalanche (landslide), 9 times due to volcanic and tectonic earthquake caused 98 times.Earthquake which caused a tsunami that most of the earthquakes have a focal mechanism with dip-slip component, which is the highest type of thrust (Flores 1992) and the fraction normal type (Sumba 1977). Earthquake focal mechanism of strike slip with a very small possibility to generate a tsunami.
The signs of an impending tsunami in coastal area are:

Sea suddenly receded.
Salty smell that was overpowering.
From a distance it looks white waves and a very loud roar.
Tsunamis occur when:

Large earthquake with a magnitude> 7.0 SR
Location of the epicenter in the sea
Depth <70 br="" km="">    Vertical sea floor deformation
Potential Tsunami in Indonesia:
Indonesia is prone to tsunamis, particularly islands meeting face to face with plates, among other West Sumatra, South Java, Nusa Tenggara, North Papua, Sulawesi and Maluku, and East KalimantanTsunami in Indonesia in general is a local tsunami, where the time between the earthquake and the tsunami wave arrival between 20 s / d 30 min

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Angels & Airwaves - Surrender

There is a crowd in here, that fooled themselves;they brought their friends, and they made their Hell.They fake their grin, it'll only sell.I took it all in, but what do I know?There are a few in here, that hurt themselves;they kick, and beg, they have a dried-up will.They call for help, and you know them well.Are you aware of what I know?
I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrender
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still dance in city streetsFrom the white house lawn to the middle eastAnd all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still move to a steady beatEven if its bombs landing at their feetOr all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
There is a place to hideIts in our mindsIts in the darkIts well knownThat we have a fragile heartIts deep insideIt has a sound that you can followYou feel like you hit a wallBut you survivedAnd it was hard for you to swallowIve been to that place beforeIn spite of luckWhen you await a new tomorrow
I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrenderNo I, I will not surrender
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still dance in city streetsFrom the white house lawn to the Middle EastAnd all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still move to a steady beatEven if its bombs landing at their feetOr all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still dance in city streetsFrom the white house lawn to the Middle EastAnd all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
When God falls fast asleepThe kids still move to a steady beatEven if its bombs landing at their feetOr all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now
I feel it nowThis time I feel it nowI feel it nowThis time I feel it now
Oh oh oh oh ohYea ah oh oh oh oh ohYea ah oh oh oh oh ohYea ah oh oh oh oh oh (This time I feel it now)


Angels & Airwaves is an American alternative rock supergroup led byBlink-182 guitarist and vocalist Tom DeLonge. Other members are guitaristDavid Kennedy (from Over My Dead BodyHazen Street and Box Car Racer), bassist Matt Wachter (from 30 Seconds to Mars) and drummer Ilan Rubin (from Lostprophets and Nine Inch Nails). Former original members are bass guitarist Ryan Sinn (formerly of The Distillers), who left the group in 2007 for reasons still unclear, as well as drummer Adam "Atom" Willard(formerly of The Offspring and Rocket from the Crypt), who amicably parted ways with the band in fall 2011 shortly before the release of their fourth album.
Formed after Blink-182 went on hiatus in 2005, the band has continued to record and tour despite DeLonge reigniting his career with Blink-182 in 2009. The band has established themselves as very prolific musicians having released four studio albums We Don't Need to Whisper (2006), I-Empire(2007), Love (2010) and Love: Part Two (2011) in the space of 5 years. The project also resulted in the documentary film Start the Machine (2008). In 2011, accompanying the two Love albums, the group scored and produced the science fiction drama film Love by director William Eubank in 460 theatres nationwide during their multimedia event, Love Live. The band is recording their next album called POET, slated for release sometime in 2014.
Of the first two albums, the band says that they were mainly influenced by the music of Radiohead and Pink Floyd, combining them with the grandiosity of U2.[1] Of the first album, Delonge said that it would be "the best music in generations", but afterwards admitted that during this time he was addicted to painkillers.[2] Love project shows further blending of the band's musical aspirations of epic and grandiosity and the cultural revolution in the digital era.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_&_Airwaves